#AirNewZealandLounge #AucklandAirport

The best part of a journey for me is the travel back home. And nothing can make it better than an awesome, soothing and relaxing stay @Air New Zealand Lounge

Concluding one such beautiful journey tonight @Auckland Airport



As they say, all good things come to an end and so is the Sydney exploration.

Feeling thankful to icare and amazing people around for providing this wonderful opportunity.

Going to miss the busy lifestyle, crowded streets both in morning and evening (and we complain about horrible traffic in Auckland), tough attitudes, the unplanned evening drinks, warm weather, train journeys, the variety to choose from for dining and a challenging project filled with awesome personalities trying their best to make it a success. And so much more.

So long…πŸ’πŸ‘‹βš›οΈπŸŒπŸ›«

#ElLocoAtSlipInn #ElLoco

The team celebration and farewell lunch @El Loco at Slip Inn

Will be missing these smiling faces and awesome teammates.

This happens to be the shortest engagement and fastest delivery of work I ever had in my career which could not be made possible without such an energetic team working on a challenging project.

Hoping to see then again, sometime soon.πŸ₯—πŸ“›πŸ½οΈπŸ₯‚πŸŒ―

#CoventGardenHotel #Chinatown

Tonight could not get any better @Covent Garden Hotel

Having a great time with Thor and Shyam who walked all the way to my place for 20 minutes, to take me for drinks and show around @Chinatown

Feeling thankful and glad to have made good mates during such a short stay in this engagement.

We already know where we are going next time – a famous dumpling place in Chinatown.

The story of Thor is no less than a movie script involving a 14 year Vietnamese migrant kid washing ashore and making his way to the riches through a lifetime of hard work. His talks are full of experiences felt through the decades of change that Sydney has gone through.

Imagine running into someone discriminatory tonight and Thor showing him the mirror, and then the door.

Ozzies are tough and so is Thor! Respect.πŸ₯‚πŸΈ


Enjoying a yum dinner with boss @The Spice Room

This, undoubtedly, is one of the best Indian meals I had in Sydney at one of the best Indian restaurants I have been to in this city.

For first time in Sydney, I had Carrot Halwa at a restaurant and it was delicious, served with ice-cream. Same goes for the Masala Ginger Tea – uniquely prepared as compared to any other restaurant.πŸ½οΈπŸ›πŸ₯˜πŸ²β˜•πŸ¨

#Espresso #EspressoOnSussexLane

Evening coffee catch-up @Espresso on Sussex Lane

This has become our favourite catch-up spot thanks to the happy hour, concealed location and uniquely cozy ambiance.

Sharing camaraderie with Sandeep and Shyam.β˜•πŸ΅πŸ‘₯♻️


Enjoying delicious lunch @Fortune Village Chinese Restaurant

We both felt happy about our decision to check out this restaurant – a fine dining experience, yum food, cordial service and awesome ambiance. In words of Stephen, this is the finest Chinese restaurant he has been to in Sydney and enjoyed a relaxed meal experience after a long time.

We had pleasure of opening fortune cookies together for first time.

People may not always believe what you say, but they will believe what you do.


The strong person understands how to withstand substantial loss.

I was glad to have found this restaurant on CBD map for Stephen’s delight and our farewell meal in Sydney!🍽️🍲πŸ₯˜πŸ›β˜•πŸš