
Final catch-up of the day @Smith the Grocer Cafe

By now anyone can guess my favourite place to hang out for a catch-up in Wellington. You can get quiet and private corner or a crowded noisy spot depending on your need with amazing caffeine dose. What else your want for a quick chat.

For first time made a reservation at this place to make sure everything went as planned and it was no disappointment at all.

Also received a tip to try out @Mrs Higgins Oven Fresh Cookies which I will!

#Afternoon #Caffeine #CatchUp #ACC #Tenzing #Review #ChaiLatte #Favourite #Quiet #Peaceful #MrsHigginsOvenFreshCookies #Summer #Wellington


Catching up for end year discussion @Sierra Cafe

Apparently today is turning out to be the busiest day in whole year – this is third catch-up so far with one more to go and we had lunch in between, I being the organiser. Talk of working remotely!

#Afternoon #CatchUp #ACC #Tenzing #Review #HotChocolate #Caffeine #Summer #Wellington


A quick review and catch-up this morning @Mojo Terrace

Enjoying this fancy and supposedly healthy Japanese organic caffeine drink (dead link – http://www.dailyorganics.com/brews.html) Kombucha which interestingly comes in three different flavours – Original, Summer and Winter. More on Wikipedia.

This is one of those times in a year which bring clients and service providers together! I am already wondering about how long today is going to be.

If I could, I wanted to say ‘I love you’ to Andrew for awesome feedback this morning.

#Morning #CatchUp #Review #ACC #Tenzing #Healthy #Organic Drink #Caffeine #Kombucha #Summer #Wellington