
Taking Sunshine to one of the landmarks of Hoshiarpur, an old fort @Bajwara Fort

In fact, this was the first time for me to this fort despite having spent half of my life here. Later, after checking out with family, it appears I was ahead of most to visit this place anyway.

We wished this landmark and a tourist attraction could be looked after in a better way. 🏯

#WellingtonBotanicGarden #TheLadyNorwoodRoseGarden #BegoniaHouse #BotanicGardenPlayground #MagpieLawn #TheSoundshell

Enjoying visiting one of the best gardens in the country @Wellington Botanic Garden covering @The Lady Norwood Rose Garden, @Begonia House, @Botanic Garden Playground, @Magpie Lawn and @The Soundshell

After some rest and sleep, it was the time to hit the last target of the day and that turned out to be worth all the wait.

#FirstEver #Tourism #Awesome #Tour #Wellington #Summer #2018

#VisitorToursOfParliament #NewZealandParliamentBuildings #ParliamentHouse #ParliamentaryLibrary #Beehive #Wellington

Starting this year at Wellington with visit @Visitor Tours of Parliament of @New Zealand Parliament Buildings covering @Beehive, @Parliament House and @Parliamentary Library.

What an awesome start of this year @Wellington visiting some of the tourist attractions for first time.

#FirstEver #Tourism #Awesome #Tour #Wellington #Summer #2018