
This one celebration going on for last 9 months now. Sapid food in lunch at long favourite of our team @PappaRich

When in doubt or forgotten, we know where to head to.

#Celebration #ACC #TeamLunch #MalaysianFood #MalaysianRestaurant #VegetarianSweetAndSourChicken #TehTarikCoffeeJelly #CanaiPlanta #Spring #Wellington


Having awesome time enjoying lunch on a rainy Sunday afternoon of first long weekend in second half of year during family catch up @PappaRich

#Sunday #LabourDayWeekend #LongWeekend #Awesome #Family #CatchUp #Lunch #Auckland #CBD #Rainy #MalaysianRestaurant #MalaysianFood #VegetarianSweetAndSourChicken #NasiLemakVegetableCurryMutton #TehTarik #Spring


Celebrating another 2 weeks of awesome work while enjoying Malaysian food @PappaRich

#Celebration #ACC #TeamLunch #MalaysianFood #MalaysianRestaurant #VegetarianSweetAndSourChicken #Chocolate #CanaiPlanta #Spring #Wellington