Suprised to notice these glowing kiosks which is a beautiful change to make ambiance look brighter @Auckland Airport
#Beautiful #Glowing #Kiosks #CheckIn #DelayedFlight #FlyingToWellington #Children’sDay #Spring #Auckland
Life…as it happens!
Suprised to notice these glowing kiosks which is a beautiful change to make ambiance look brighter @Auckland Airport
#Beautiful #Glowing #Kiosks #CheckIn #DelayedFlight #FlyingToWellington #Children’sDay #Spring #Auckland
Presenting #FirstEver #AppleProduct in my possession #MacbookPro2016 with fresh goodness of #TouchBar and #TouchID although good ol’ trademark, #Glowing #AppleLogo / #Backlight is gone #Privileged #NeverExpected
Made me feel nostalgic recalling first ever #GoogleProduct and #MicrosoftProduct going all the way back to #2000