
Enjoying yum Mexican food @The Flying Burrito Brothers

This one lived up to the expectations set by the one @Wellington. That combined with amazing company tonight is what you can call an awesome start to the weekend!

It has become my new favourite Mexican restaurant in Auckland. 🍽️🥗🌮🥑

#Tenzing #IAG

The amazing view of one office from the window of other – perks of being a consultant!

Feeling great visiting the new office location for first time. This space is just awesome. The update, celebration and catch-up were timed just right. Plus we got 2 new players for the next game of Flying Sherpas. 🏢🍾🥂 🏏


Talk of a Friday gone wrong.

Day started with an email waiting for me to take an action.

Midday presented another challenge with a not-so-sensible feedback from a not-so-sensible personality to update something not-so-sensible.

Just when I was thinking the day was about to get over, this news flashed – https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2019/mar/15/christchurch-shooting-injuries-reported-as-police-respond-to-critical-incident-live