Loving staying put in Koru Lounge on a day when flight is delayed by more than an hour @Wellington International Airport

Due to the heavy rains in Auckland, the plane we are supposed to board is running late from Auckland. Could not be more thankful to the timely arrival of gold airpoints card helping us enjoy this time. It is the second time in this year at this airport that the flight is delayed by more than an hour.
Last time it was because of the strong Southerly Winds in Wellington and that time also, Koru Lounge had come to the rescue – only time I used silver airpoints card voucher.
#StrongRain #KoruLounge #Earned #Gold #AirpointsCard #Comfort #Leisure #TravelExperience #Upgrade #NewZealand #Weather #ExtremeWeather #SoutherlyWinds #Delayed #Flight #Waiting #Wellington #TravelingToAuckland